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How can I check my parcels and find out when they arrive at the destination?

We will inform you via email as soon as:

  • Your parcels arrive at the EshopWedrop origin warehouse (your EshopWedrop shopping addresses)
  • Your parcels depart towards the destination country
  • Your parcels arrive at our warehouse from the destination country
  • Your parcels either arrive at the collection point indicated by you, or are handed over to the courier for delivery to the address detailed by you
  • The parcels are delivered to you

At any time you have the option to check your parcels in your EshopWedrop account. In your EshopWedrop account you can find all of the details and the status of all of your parcels, consolidations, history, invoices raised to you, etc.


Have more questions? Give us a call and member of the team will be happy to assist you

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